I was reading a small book from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s knowledge last night, called POWER OF LOVE. Very easy but yet deep and powerful.
I like to share with you a small chapter, Love & Laughter, knowing that I am doing it with Guruji’s blessings, because wherever we can spread His knowledge, there is ONENESS, and I feel one with you all. The following are His words.
When you stretch a sound, it becomes music.
A movement, when stretched, becomes dance. Doesn’t’ it?
You simply move your hand in a certain manner, and it becomes dance!
A smile stretched, becomes laughter.
Love stretched, becomes service.
The mind stretched, becomes meditation.
And life stretched, becomes celebration.
This is all we want-right?
So stretch!
When we stretch ourselves, the whole world becomes our family. Everyone is part of you. We live this world to live in love, to spread love, and to enjoy love. Isn’t it?
Laugh more and more!
What happens when you laugh?
Certain substances, called endorphins, are produced in the brain. When the system produces more endorphins, then our immune systems become stronger, thus preventing cancer and other such diseases.
As children, see how much we used to laugh, dance and sing; see how much we used to celebrate!
However, as we grow older and older, are we doing the same? We have to question ourselves about this.
We need to start smiling and laughing more…and more!
We should start laughing clubs everywhere.
Laugh for 10 minutes, without any reason, every morning. You don’t need a joke to laugh. If your laughter is not genuine, never mind, just imitate! Fake it till you make it, because it is our nature to laugh.
Only human beings are endowed with this special gift of being able to laugh.
You know, if you keep using your fingers, then you can play the guitar; if you don’t use them, you cannot play the guitar. In the same way, if you keep laughing in life, then laughter becomes your nature. Hmm?
You need to do this! Isn’t it a good idea? Yes?
Everyone just laugh for 10minutes, for no reason. Then all the pain, all the problems in life, will dissolve.
Wouldn’t all of you like to be in an atmosphere where everyone laughs?
Well, we have to create our atmosphere; we have to create the atmosphere around us. We cannot have someone else do the laughing for us: “Okay! You laugh for me today!”.
We have to laugh by ourselves. If there is nothing to laugh about, we can just look at our minds and laugh!
The main message of the Art of Living is :laugh more…and more…and more! Sing more…and more…and more! And meditate! Know that “if I am happy, all will be happy!”
This is my Master…H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who won me over with his sense of humor…
Love & Rainbow