Thursday, December 17, 2009


As I already wrote, coming back “home” has a sweet taste. It has the sweetness of finding old photos and thinking oh my gosh that was me… but it is also special because of the children’s comments oh you WERE so beautiful mum! Look how thin you were! And what a long shiny hair…How old were you in that picture? I was sixteen…maybe fifteen…it is already long time ago. I can see it but I don’t feel it. I still have dreams and passions but time has gone by…But does really time has a meaning in people’s life? Do I need to give MR. Time recognition? No I don’t. Time is an abstract construction of the human mind to put our life in cage. In the cage of defined concepts. I am 44 years old. This is a concept that leads to think that if I am lucky, I have already lived half of my life. There is no warranty on the product besides the one of living NOW. In this perspective time has no meaning besides the fact that I can spend lots of money buying fashionable watches I don’t, really I am not that fancy woman. Realizing that only living the present moment is valuable is the greatest freedom I could achieve. I enjoy my life, the way it is. I accept that someone wrote on my passport my date of birth this one doesn’t change, you see? and find charming the contrast between my body’s changes and my soul. My everlasting young soul. The same joyful soul that I was once, at 2, while I was running happy and free after my dreams.

Love and Rainbow



  1. Very inspiring post Lorenza, you're photo then and now in your profile still looks the same.

    Live life to the fullest.


  2. Thanks Al! I guess the same lively look in my eyes...

  3. I think that some people let their soul age because of defined conceptions. To break free of that is so uplifting and freeing!

  4. Great post, Lorenza. I understand so well the sentiments you have expressed. Well done!

  5. What lovely and thought-provoking post, beautifully written, too.
    Love you Lorenza!

  6. This kid really is you. It's nice to have that flow of thought at your age. I hope that I will think the same way by the time I get there.

    Have a good weekend. Live the moment! ;) Take care.


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