Monday, October 12, 2009


Have you ever met your Soul?


I do whenever I meditate. I do the Chakras Meditation which is basically the one that makes me feel free from the burden of thoughts the most. I was given a mantra, my own personal and unique mantra, which is a combination of 2, 3 Sanskrit words whose sounds and vibrations should help in not having thoughts when repeated continuously in your mind while meditating.


It does not work for me, I think even more. One day somebody introduced me to this other kind of meditation where you feel your energy points in your body, the seven Chakras.


I can feel my Chakras, I can feel my body, I can feel my Life Force, I can feel my energy.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply, slowly.

I am in my first Chakra at the base of the spine. I feel a presence. It is a concentration of energy; I can feel that part of the body so well. There is only the physical sensation, which is not really physical, because it is something so deep inside. I am pervaded of this flow of energy that does not leave me and it is there.

There are no thoughts for maybe few seconds.

Being without thoughts means increasing THE GAP between the thoughts that flow naturally and randomly in our mind, and that nobody can control. When we can observe the thoughts going on and on, we start having gaps between them. It is almost impossible to be free of thoughts for a long time, unless you are really enlightened I am not but we can deeply relax in the ABSENCE OF THOUGHTS. In the GAP. And there it is the place where you can experience your Soul, yes in the gap.


I move to second Chakra, then to the third and on till the seventh. Every time I long for being there. I want to be in the place of Peace, Joy, Freedom. I reach the point where I do not feel my body anymore; a tickling sensation pervades my body from inside. It is my Life Force or Prana. I feel it strong in my Chakras but it is flowing all over my body. I am not there but at the same time I am there, in my bedroom, I know I can open my eyes whenever I want and be back to my noisy life.


It took me a while to realise that the sensation I was feeling during the meditation it is actually my Energy. Once I became aware of it I knew I could meet my Soul.


The personality, which is run by the ego, it is only a tiny part of our Soul but it is a very noisy and life energy-consuming tool. And it is the part we deal with all the time.

We cannot help thinking continuously and most of our thoughts are compulsive. They create our fears and uncertainty because they come from a reflection on the past or on the future.

Our fears come from the thought of what happens if… what will it be if I get sick again? What about my kids? What if I lose my job…WHATI FI CANNOT WRITE ANYMORE? And on and on till we are completely drained and stressed. If we can get rid of those thoughts we create harmony in our being and enjoy life in the present moment.


I am not fearing to have a recurrence of my cancer because I am feeling well NOW. Anything can happen tomorrow but I don’t know about the future, I don’t care about it because I am too busy living NOW.


Meditation, with its deep relaxation, helps in managing your thoughts and creates peace and balance in daily life.


We are here to witness the miracle of life, not to forget to live.


I like to end quoting “ On an average day the average person runs about sixty thousand thoughts through his mind; 95% of those thoughts are the same as the person thought the day before”


Which explains why we fall into bad mental habits, judging situations and the others all the time, impoverishing our thinking.


Lets get rid of those stinky old thoughts and let’s have tea with our Soul.




Love& Rainbow





  1. Tea would be good but for some reason a headache struck me today after my noon time tea.

    I've never experience this kind of meditation but I would love to be able to feel peace and worry about nothing.

  2. Try it and let me know. I am sure that you can find guided chakra meditation.
    What would your life be if you get rid of the THOUGHTS that make you feel worried?

  3. Actually getting rid of negative thoughts and having tea with my soul would bring me in another world....a better one and the best for me!!!....I'll work for that...fingers crossed...

  4. Hi Lorenza! Thanks for this blog entry! I really needed it! :-) I know about the chakra's but neglected them for a long time! Thanks for reminding me! Your blog looks smashing! Nice picture! you look so close how I thought you would look, isn't that amazing?

  5. SERENA: You are welcome to this new world. Just open yourself up to the change... I am here to help XXX

    ELLEN: It is so nice to have you back, I missed you! I am happy you enjoy this meditation too...

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. "Our fears come from the thought of what happens if… what will it be if I get sick again? What about my kids? What if I lose my job…WHATI FI CANNOT WRITE ANYMORE? And on and on till we are completely drained and stressed. If we can get rid of those thoughts we create harmony in our being and enjoy life in the present moment."

    It's interesting to me because I came into this post assuming I could try to find some answers for insomnia (my current problem or "fear").

    Your statement of course applies to anyone's own personal situation or fears or worries, and it makes so much sense.



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