Thursday, October 29, 2009


The Life Coaching experience has been a cruise trip for me.

I do not like open sea water but I am magnetically attracted by the landscape and the water’s sound.

If I have a nightmare, there will probably be a sea scenario involved. I cannot swim in the seaside, unless very close to seashore. Pure panic. I guess I was on the Titanic in one of my previous lives…

So, here I was on the open sea of my life, cruising without a real destination, in the ocean of the infinite possibilities.


Some days it was good. I was very creative, optimistic and self confident. Other days I could not even find my energy where are You? Where is my inner Voice? But it was really therapeutically good to be forced to face myself and my natural inclination to avoid taking steps towards my choices. I was becoming conscious of the fact that I had lived for so long only having ideas and never trying to realise them.


So my life became a potful of options, which gave me hope, strength, self-confidence but also fear, doubt. Everyday I would have different feelings and would change my mind periodically.


15.10.2008 Funny enough things can change with one thought. And why not, if the Universe has been created with one thought, my ideas can change with one evident thought.

And nothing stays the same: we change, nature change, every single cell, atom, quark in the Universe is moving, changing, working, building up, destroying, re-building up…

It is a cosmic dance. So it is for our thoughts and ideas. I felt I had finally found my way, but in a few seconds all I had built up in my mind as a certainty, has been blown down by a simple affirmation. And even if I did not like the affirmation, I must say it is right. I guess it is a good exercise for me to improve my flexibility to life’s options.


All the possibilities and ideas were welcome but I think at the same time were confusing me. But again, the strong desire for writing and the love for books were leading the list coming out strong and determined.


16.10.2008 I can do lots of things in my life. I can do well lots of things in my life. But if I do not think, what comes out of my heart is that I want to spend my time in between books…

I want my bookshop! I want to write!


I believe now I have realised what I am and will always be. I don’t know where the wind of life will blow for me. I do not know if my cruise has to come to an end, but what I know is that the Journey is stunning and I am a gifted person. Because I can see clearly the beauty and the talents in me.


If somebody asks me “what do you do in life?” I say, “ I am a writer”. I write, I am free, I am happy. No matter I haven’t published yet. I know what I am; I don’t care of what people think I am.


Maria is one of my best friends. I was supposed to help her, with this work, I guess I did. But she gave me much more in term of awareness, because she pushed me to write. 

And writing I got in touch with my Inner Voice.

Thanks Maria for helping me uncover the True Me.


I want to end this post with a thought I wrote in October 2008:


Self-esteem is the greatest act of unconditional love for ourselves. It means never give up and do our best whatever the feelings are, whatever our life is at the moment. It is not about the results, it is about the way we do things. I guess it is also living our life at its full potential.


Today the most beautiful thoughts from my daughter Clara “mum I am satisfied with my life. Thanks because you made me”

I do believe she was born knowing “the secret”…







  1. Your life imagery is always so eloquent in your words. You speak of a beautiful existence in your own "cosmic dance." You are right it is a wonderful journey.

  2. Lorenza,
    Funny how this post started, kicked in a little anxiety through me, as I had a terrible accident at sea.
    One of your followers has decided you deserve an award, and we agree.
    "Hot Dawg" Friday, at the plainolebob2.blogspot site will have your award ready tomorrow.

  3. Shawna: thanks for your words. Your comments are so helpful to me. I can see myself with your eyes. I think it is fantastic.
    I feel we are all in this cosmic dance and we are all connected. One. I ll write more about it.

  4. Plainolobob: Well, well, well. I am not only happy to have a new follower (this is my offical WELCOME) I am not only flattered for this award, I AM OVERWHELMED WITH JOY! I am going to thank Sarah and collect it now now! THANK YOU

  5. I have imagined myself panicking too. I know very well what my fear is.

    I can feel a lot of courage here.

    Just a little suggestion though, you can put the red text into a "blockquote" to make the section indented. On a monitor, darkest gray color is most readable on a white background. Red text on white doesn't work too well. Example of the code:

    < blockquote > this phrase is indented < / blockquote >

    Remove all the spaces within "<" and ">". I intentionally put the spaces to make the syntax appear in this comment.

    Hope this helps.


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